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2014 : 30
2014 : 29
2013 : 28
2013 : 27
2012 : 26
When knowing less is better: reflections about the limits in the production and dissemination of knowledge
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pag. 15 / 28
Ana María Vara - Universidad Nacional de San Martín (

The “dominant view of popularization”, also known as the “deficit model” of science communication, has many theoretical weaknesses. In this presentation, I would like to reflect on one of these weaknesses, one that constitutes an assumption and, as such, usually goes unquestioned: “the more, the better”, which means that knowledge production and dissemination is always a good thing. I will question this assumption from four perspectives, that point at four fundamental reasons why certain kinds of knowledge should not be created, disseminated, or popularized: i) that certain kinds of knowledge may be harmful, or ethically or legally unacceptable; ii) that certain kinds of knowledge may be obtained through reprehensible means, that is, by ethically or legally unacceptable means; iii) that certain kinds of knowledge distort deliberately the understanding of certain phenomena; iv) that certain kinds of knowledge may induce imitation of harmful behavior. Additionally, I will analyze the implications of these questionings for the work of science journalists.

Playable science. A reflection about the relationship between the social communication of science and videogames
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pag. 29 / 42
Enzo Conforti - Universidad Nacional de Rosario (
Keywords:-games;social communication;popularization;convergence;science-
Once popularization has been eliminated, what should we do about appropriation? An essay on the ways of looking at, naming and creating the relationship between science and society
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pag. 43 / 55
Elena Gasparri - Lic. Dirección de Comunicación de la Ciencia – UNR (
Towards an Our-American plebeian grammar
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pag. 57 / 72
Claudio Véliz - UTN-UNDAV ()
Carlos Zelarayán - UTN-UNDAV ()
Keywords:-linguistic turn;Marxism;determinism;plebeian grammar;culture rupture-
Education in public communication of science and technology: some issues in debate
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pag. 73 / 86
María Isabel Balmaceda - Universidad Nacional de San Juan (
Cecilia Yornet - Universidad Nacional de San Juan (
Nelson Cerviño - Universidad Nacional de San Juan ()
Mariana Sánchez - Universidad Nacional de San Juan ()
Keywords:-public communication;science;technology;university education;interdisciplinary-
Science perceptions and gender stereotypes: a research on high school adolescents
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pag. 87 / 98
Andrea Carina Truffa - Instituto San Miguel Garicoits (
Keywords:-science and gender;perception;adolescents-
Houssay, Leloir and Milstein: creative processes in sciences
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pag. 99 / 114
Romina Cecilia Elisondo - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (;
Danilo Silvio Donolo - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (
María Cristina Rinaudo - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (
Photography as a tool in public communication of science: the case of “Science in focus, technology in focus”
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pag. 115 / 128
Cecilia Reche - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (
Keywords:-art;photography;public communication;techno-science;society-
An experimental demonstration of the 1001 nights´ theorem
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pag. 129 / 146
Mercedes Barrutia Navarrete - Escuela Superior de Comunicación (Granada, España) (
Keywords:-journalism;scientific communication;popular science;science;communication-
Online newspapers in San Luis: their role in science popularization
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pag. 147 / 158
Mónica Beatriz Martín - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Viviana Mercedes Ponce - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-digital media;digital newspapers;science popularization;science journalism;San Luis-
The popularization of Positive Psychology popularization in Argentina
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pag. 159 / 172
Luciana Mariñelarena-Dondena - UNSL, CONICET (
Keywords:-Positive Psychology;Public communication of science;Science journalism;History of Psychology;Argentina-
The ashes of the Puyehue volcano in mass media
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pag. 173 / 183
C. Correa - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro ()
A. R. Cocco - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro ()
C. Conte Grand - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro ()
M. L. Curuchet - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro ()
L. García Oviedo - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro ()
F. Juárez - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro ()
S. Murriello - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (
Keywords:-volcanoes;public communication;Patagonia;professional practice;popular science-
The “pulp mill conflict” as a techno-scientific controversy: a case of social empowerment and citizen participation
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pag. 185 / 199
Gonzalo Andrés - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos ()
Andrés Wursten - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos ()
Keywords:-pulp mills conflict;technoscientific controversy;citizen participation;social empowerment-
Greenwashing practices in socio-environmental conflict: challenging the sustainable discourse of a mining enterprise in the XIV region of the Rivers, Chile
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pag. 201 / 213
Roberto Gallardo Sepúlveda - (
Keywords:-socio-environmental conflict;greenwashing;risks;crisis of knowledge;economic rationality-
The significance of technology transfer in the Argentine National Commission of Atomic Energy: a historical-comparative analysis
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pag. 215 / 229
Santiago N. Enriquez - Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA) ()
Keywords:-Technology Transfer;SATI;CNEA;S & T Policy;Nuclear Plan-
“Old” and “new” technologies. New resistances
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pag. 231 / 242
Hugo Ignacio Pizarro - CONICET – UNC (
Keywords:-resistance;technology resources;social impact;pathogenic waste treatment;trolleybuses-
A guided tour through the green spaces of Cordoba National University: a way of democratizing scientific knowledge
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pag. 243 / 258
Tamara Maggioni - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (
Javier Martín - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (
José Menna - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (
Gustavo Re - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (
Keywords:-public communication of science;botanic tour;GASus;UNCiencia;National University of Córdoba-
Scientific culture: science as a creative and inclusive activity. Experiences in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Litoral National University
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pag. 259 / 268
Carolina Ana Revuelta - Universidad Nacional del Litoral (
Keywords:-scientific culture;extension;inclusion;democratization-
Scientific institutions communication in web environments: an experience in production
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pag. 269 / 284
Gabriela Tallarico - Universidad Nacional de Rosario e INTA (
Keywords:-science and technology institutions;digital communication;institutional websites;web environments;scientific communication-
Urban geological tours
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pag. 285 / 297
Héctor L. Lacreu - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Graciela del R. Sosa - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Noemí N. Casali - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Amancay N. Martínez - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Matías Merlo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Andrea Díaz Mayo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Facundo Gómez - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Neda Belpoliti - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Rogelio Martínez - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Keywords:-Geology;Popularization;Rocks;City;Social responsability-
An institutional experience of public communication of science: the development of the communication department of CONICET COMAHUE, context and challenges
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pag. 299 / 314
Marcela Rey - CONICET COMAHUE ( - marcerey28@hotmail.c)
Keywords:-CONICET;federalization;Bariloche;organizational communication;decentralization-
2012 : 25
2011 : 24
2011 : 23
2010 : 22
2010 : 21
2009 : 20
2009 : 19
2008 : 18
2008 : 17
2007 : 16
2007 : 15
2006 : 13 14
2006 : 12
2005 : 11
2005 : 10
2004 : 9
2003 : 7 8
2002 : 5 6
2001 : 4
2001 : 3
2000 : 2
2000 : 1
FUNDAMENTOS EN HUMANIDADES, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Avenida Ejército de los Andes 950
5700 - San Luis - Argentina