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2014 : 30
2014 : 29
2013 : 28
2013 : 27
2012 : 26
2012 : 25
2011 : 24
2011 : 23
2010 : 22
2010 : 21
2009 : 20
2009 : 19
2008 : 18
2008 : 17
2007 : 16

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pag. 0 / 0
The return of human capital theory
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pag. 9 / 26
Paulina Perla Aronson - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. Univers (
Keywords:-globalization;human capital;professional qualifications;labor competences-
A committed political affiliation. At national universities between 1966 and 1976
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pag. 27 / 41
Judith Naidorf - Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET (
Raúl Omar Ferrero - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional ()
Keywords:-university;military government;militancy;students;collective memory-
Foggy Pathways: reflections on the changes in University
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pag. 43 / 52
Adriana Chiroleu - Universidad Nacional de Rosario - CONICET (
Keywords:-University;change;social demands-
Institutional administration and decision-making process in the academic area of Postgraduate Education in the Buenos Aires Regional Faculty of National Technological University
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pag. 53 / 66
Fernando Pablo Nápoli - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (
Keywords:-institutional administration;institutional culture;decision-making;academic management;academic habits-
University education: features of curriculum changes in a context of structural crisis
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pag. 67 / 95
Saada Bentolila - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Beatriz Pedranzani - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Mónica Clavijo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-educational transformation;in-service education;counseling;teaching practice;reflection-
University ethics/bioethics committees: A case study at San Luis National University
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pag. 97 / 112
Ana I. Medina - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Elena Mazzola - UARGG ()
Keywords:-University ethics;university bioethics;bioethics committees;ethics committees-
Direct Election at National University of Buenos Aires (UBA). May it provide any solution to the university administration crisis?
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pag. 113 / 126
Carlos Francisco Mazzola - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-National University of Buenos Aires;direct election;university administration crisis;lection system-

The management of National University of Buenos Aires is having a series of tensions and conflicts since 2001. Although their causes are historical and generalized, many of the University’s actors think they are restricted to the university administration and the representation of its members. In this work, a diagnosis of UBA management is carried out and some reasons for its conflictivity are put forward. The direct election system is analyzed as a possible solution to this problem as claimed by the students’ sector. Comparing it to the case of National University of San Luis, this work attempts to predict whether a change in the election system would provide a solution to the above-mentioned problem. It is concluded that the institutional fragmentation is the source of the problem impacting on the authority of the university administration.

Outcomes of the Eating Disorder Inventory EDI-II in Late Female Adolescents with Eating Disorders. A Comparative Therapeutic Study
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pag. 127 / 152
Susana Quiroga - Universidad de Buenos Aires (
Glenda Cryan - Universidad de Buenos Aires (
Keywords:-Eating disorders;EDI-II inventory;comparative therapeutic study;late adolescence-
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) in University Students
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pag. 153 / 163
María Paula Perarnau - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Sara Verónica Fasulo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Adriana Alejandra García - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Roberto Daniel Doña - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-premenstrual syndrome;premenstrual dysphoric disorder;premenstrual symptoms-
Influence of Work Environment on Administrative Staff of San Luis National University
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pag. 165 / 182
Maria Fernanda Galarsi - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Cristina Marrau - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-Institution;work climate;health;work-
Relaxation technique applied to 16-year-old sportsmen to improve their performance
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pag. 183 / 197
Sergio Mosconi - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
María Susana Correche - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
María Fernanda Rivarola - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Fabrizio Penna - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Theory of Social Discursivity. The constitution of the field and epistemological shifts
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pag. 199 / 222
José Luis Jofré - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-sociosemiotics;theory of social discourses;theory of complexity;enunciation-
Linguistic modularity in a down syndrome case
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pag. 223 / 234
Adriana del Valle Velez - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Jackeline Miazzo Jackeline Miazzo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-modular hypotheses;down syndrome;language problems;general cognitive deficiency;critic period-
2007 : 15
2006 : 13 14
2006 : 12
2005 : 11
2005 : 10
2004 : 9
2003 : 7 8
2002 : 5 6
2001 : 4
2001 : 3
2000 : 2
2000 : 1
FUNDAMENTOS EN HUMANIDADES, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Avenida Ejército de los Andes 950
5700 - San Luis - Argentina