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2014 : 30
2014 : 29
2013 : 28
2013 : 27
2012 : 26
2012 : 25
2011 : 24
2011 : 23
2010 : 22
2010 : 21
2009 : 20
2009 : 19
Images of the difference. Subjective construction of the otherness and the media
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pag. 9 / 23
Emilio José Seveso Zanin - CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (
Keywords:-poverty;imaginary;insecurity;others;mass media-
Implications for teaching and learning of oral communication as a pedagogical object
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pag. 25 / 42
Brinia Guaycochea - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Ivana Hodara - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-oral communication;language didactics;contents;didactic intervention-
The theory of transdisciplinary knowledge in the Manifest by Basarab Nicolescu
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pag. 43 / 55
Jorge Sarquís - Universidad Veracruzana (
Jacob Buganza - Universidad Veracruzana (
Keywords:-transdiscipline;theory of knowledge;general theory of systems-
The University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the education of leading management staff
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pag. 57 / 76
Ana Paula Hey - Universidad de San Pablo (
Afrânio Mendes Catani - Universidad de San Pablo (
Keywords:-university;Brazil;leading management staff-
Política nacional de educación especial desde la perspectiva de la educación inclusiva brasileña
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pag. 77 / 89
Denise Valduga Batalla - Universidad Federal de Santa María, Brasil (
Keywords:-políticas públicas educacionales brasileñas;educación inclusiva;educación especial-
La concepción de universidad en Lyotard: ¿crisis o erosión de la ciencia?
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pag. 91 / 117
João dos Reis Silva Júnior - Universidad Federal de San Carlos, Brasil (,
Eduardo Pinto e Silva - Universidad Federal de San Carlos, Brasil (
Work organizations’ types and their effects in the educational field
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pag. 119 / 137
Viviana Edith Reta - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (

This research raises the effects that have had the different sort of labor organizations (Fordism and post-Fordism) in education. During the last decades, we attend to a situation of essential changes, in which the Fordism and Taylorism work organization form has been moved into new ones, called neo-Fordism, post-Fordism, flexible specialization. These changes within the economic and politic reform seem to configure an answer to capitalist crisis in order to recover the lost cost-effectiveness levels. However we can not talk about a straight correlation between work organization types and educational field, many ideas and practices demonstrate that these work organizations had and still have an influence on educational ideas and practices. With Fordism and Taylorism speech, some changes are been introduced into education such as fragmented knowledge, positive and negative reinforcements, personalized assessment to each student, cost-efectiveness control, new sort of selection and professional training. With this new kind of labor organization, the education gains new duties based on “flexibility and adaptation skills” that must also have school establishments, the experts, managers and teachers in order to offer answers to unpredictable facts, singular situations or potential customers demands.

Personality styles and life quality in psychology students
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pag. 139 / 156
Susana Albanesi de Nasetta - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Valentina Garelli - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Leandro Casari - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-personality;quality of life;psychology students;social well-being;depressive style-
Traits of personality and eating disorders in female university students
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pag. 157 / 166
Maria Fernanda Galarsi - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Carina Ledezma - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Miguel Ángel De Bortoli - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
María Susana Correche - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-personality traits;neuroticism;extroversion;eating disorders-
The Burnout Syndrome in the context of working stress
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pag. 167 / 177
María Cristina Marrau - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-Burnout Syndrome;working conditions;stress;social pychology-
Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in the nursing staff of two Mexican hospitals
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pag. 179 / 193
Claudia Rodríguez García - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (
Ana María Oviedo Zúñiga - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México ()
María de Lourdes Vargas Santillán - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México ()
Violeta Hernández Velázquez - Hospital General Atizapan, México ()
María del Socorro Pérez Fiesco - Hospital General Atizapan, México ()
Keywords:-Burnout Syndrome;nursing;hospital-
Resilience: a qualitative perspective
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pag. 195 / 206
Erika Valdebenito - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Juana Mercedes Loizo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Olga García - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Keywords:-resilience;qualitative methodology;missing detainees relatives;military dictatorship-
2008 : 18
2008 : 17
2007 : 16
2007 : 15
2006 : 13 14
2006 : 12
2005 : 11
2005 : 10
2004 : 9
2003 : 7 8
2002 : 5 6
2001 : 4
2001 : 3
2000 : 2
2000 : 1
FUNDAMENTOS EN HUMANIDADES, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Avenida Ejército de los Andes 950
5700 - San Luis - Argentina