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2014 : 30
2014 : 29
2013 : 28
2013 : 27
2012 : 26
2012 : 25
2011 : 24
2011 : 23
2010 : 22
2010 : 21
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2009 : 19
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2007 : 15
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pag. 0 / 0
“Liquefaction” of academic knowledge
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pag. 7 / 24
Francisco Beltrán Llavador - Universitat de València (
Keywords:-Curriculum;Pedagogy;Politics;Autonomy;School organization-
Secondary schools in critical situations: an alternative to the link between management and institutional results
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pag. 25 / 55
María Alejandra Sendón - FLACSO-Argentina (
Keywords:-Educational fragmentation;secondary school;underprivileged school circuit;institutional management;institutional results-
From marginality to social exclusion: an análisis of these concepts and problematic issues
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pag. 57 / 88
Pedro Gregorio Enriquez - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-Marginality;social exclusion;welfare state;neo-liberal state;latin america-

This work examines the theoretical background of “marginality” and “social exclusion” concepts. These categories are closely related to the 1 Agradezco los comentarios y las observaciones efectuadas por Ana Sola, Beatriz de Dios y Verónica Quiroga que enriquecieron este trabajo. 2 Docente, Investigador y Extensionista de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas - UNSL. Integrante del PROICO 4-1-8802: Formación Docente, Lectura y Ciudadanía. Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la FCH-UNSL fundamentos en humanidades political models applied in different historical periods. Firstly, the relationship between the policies of the Welfare State from 1945 to 1975 and the origin of “marginality” notion is analyzed. Then, several theoretical perspectives about the implications of the latter notion in that period are described. Secondly, the links between the policies of the Malefactor State during the 1980s and the concept of “social exclusion” are studied. And based on that analysis, the theoretical approaches and problematic issues around this notion are analyzed.

The military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983 according to the social imaginary of San Luis, Argentina. A case study: the effects on current practices and discourses
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pag. 89 / 118
María Julieta Gómez - ()
Leticia Marín - (
María Elena Yuli - ()
Keywords:-Military dictatorship;social imaginary;dictatorial mechanism-
Human beings and their work: selection process
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pag. 119 / 131
María Cristina Marrau - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Teresita Archina - ()
Silvia Lúquez - ()
Patricio Godoy Ponce - ()
Keywords:-Work psychologist role;work;human resources;selection;interview-
Socioeconomic level and consumption of substances in a sample of educated adolescents of San Luis, Argentina
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pag. 133 / 145
Marina Beatriz Fantin - (
Claribel Morales de Barbenza - ()
Keywords:-Substance consumption;adolescents;socioeconomic level-
Hume, Kant and the origin of the self-sufficient universe
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pag. 147 / 161
Ramón Sanz Ferramola - (
Keywords:-Hume;Kant;unmoved mover;illustration;cosmology-
Current proposals for an ethic-deontological education inPsychology undergraduate programs within Mercosurcontext. The Argentinean case
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pag. 163 / 178
Andrea Ferrero - (
Eugenia Andrade - (
Ethics and Childhood: the child as moral subject
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pag. 179 / 192
María José Sánchez Vazquez - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (
Keywords:-Childhood;moral subject;autonomy;vulnerability-
2006 : 13 14
2006 : 12
2005 : 11
2005 : 10
2004 : 9
2003 : 7 8
2002 : 5 6
2001 : 4
2001 : 3
2000 : 2
2000 : 1
FUNDAMENTOS EN HUMANIDADES, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Avenida Ejército de los Andes 950
5700 - San Luis - Argentina