Attitudes of teachers in the negotiation processes
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pag. 7 / 16 |
Julio Adrián Olvera Rodríguez - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México ( Reyna Amador Velázquez - Centro Universitario Zumpango, UAEM ( Rodolfo Espinosa Fuentes - Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla ( |
Keywords:-negotiation;pro-activity;reactivity;teachers;attitudes- |
Abstract: This study aimed to identify proactive or reactive attitudes of teachers of the State of Mexico in the negotiation processes. Aquestionnaire consisting of 31 validated reactive items with a reliability of .85 was applied to a population of 106 people chosen by accidental sampling. The results obtained through a one-way ANOVA show no significant differences between the groups considering the variables gender, age, labor seniority and educational self-concept. Onlythe schooling variable shows significant differences
with a tendency to have a proactive attitude (p <. 05).
Incorporation of independent work into a video class in the course of Biology: results of a diagnosis
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pag. 17 / 34 |
Juan Carlos Ruíz Mendoza - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México ( Nivia Álvarez Aguilar - Universidad de Camagüey, Cuba ( Nancy Guerra Jiménez - Ministerio de Educación Provincial, Camagüey, Cuba () |
Keywords:-independent work;pre-university course;videoclass;teaching and learning;teaching of biology- |
Ideas for a transdisciplinary reflection: the “association” in behavior modelling
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pag. 35 / 50 |
Héctor Blas Lahitte - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (lí Maximiliano Azcona - Universidad Nacional de La Plata ( |
Keywords:-behavior;psychology;epistemology;association;ethology- |
The psychologist in the teaching training at primary and secondary level: the function of coordination
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pag. 51 / 61 |
Adrian Manzi - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, IFDC – San Luis (acmanzi |
Keywords:-reflection;coordination;experiences;identity- |
Absence of an interdisciplinary approach of the person who got diabetes. Psychological reflections on prevention of health problems
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pag. 63 / 71 |
Mónica Patricia Latino - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ( |
Keywords:-interdisciplinarity;linked modality;primary maternal role;prevention;diabetes- |
Diabetes as a destination for identification
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pag. 73 / 81 |
Eleonora C. Garro Baca - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ( |
Keywords:-disease;diabetes;identification;projection;destination- |
Comprehension of Texts, Inferences and Functional Modularity
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pag. 83 / 98 |
Gastón I. Saux - Universidad de Buenos Aires ( |
Keywords:-psycholinguistics;text;comprehension;inference;modularity- |
Prototypical-cognitive grammar: conceptualization and analysis of the nominal
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pag. 99 / 126 |
Claudia Borzi - CONICET, UBA (, |
Keywords:-prototypical-cognitive grammar;nominal;noun;adjective- |
Letter from an American General: The Vatican as subversive and the American McCarthyism
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pag. 127 / 134 |
Keywords:-vatican;hate;truth;McCarthyism;today- |
Guide of Ethical Commitment to pre-professional practices in Psychology
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pag. 135 / 151 |
Andrea Ferrero - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ( |
Keywords:-psychology;ethics;training;pre-professional practices;guide of ethical commitment- |