Attitudes of teachers in the negotiation processes
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pag. 7 / 16 |
Julio Adrián Olvera Rodríguez - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México ( Reyna Amador Velázquez - Centro Universitario Zumpango, UAEM ( Rodolfo Espinosa Fuentes - Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla ( |
Keywords:-negotiation;pro-activity;reactivity;teachers;attitudes- |
Incorporation of independent work into a video class in the course of Biology: results of a diagnosis
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pag. 17 / 34 |
Juan Carlos Ruíz Mendoza - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México ( Nivia Álvarez Aguilar - Universidad de Camagüey, Cuba ( Nancy Guerra Jiménez - Ministerio de Educación Provincial, Camagüey, Cuba () |
Keywords:-independent work;pre-university course;videoclass;teaching and learning;teaching of biology- |
Ideas for a transdisciplinary reflection: the “association” in behavior modelling
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pag. 35 / 50 |
Héctor Blas Lahitte - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (lí Maximiliano Azcona - Universidad Nacional de La Plata ( |
Keywords:-behavior;psychology;epistemology;association;ethology- |
The psychologist in the teaching training at primary and secondary level: the function of coordination
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pag. 51 / 61 |
Adrian Manzi - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, IFDC – San Luis (acmanzi |
Keywords:-reflection;coordination;experiences;identity- |
Absence of an interdisciplinary approach of the person who got diabetes. Psychological reflections on prevention of health problems
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pag. 63 / 71 |
Mónica Patricia Latino - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ( |
Keywords:-interdisciplinarity;linked modality;primary maternal role;prevention;diabetes- |
Diabetes as a destination for identification
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pag. 73 / 81 |
Eleonora C. Garro Baca - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ( |
Keywords:-disease;diabetes;identification;projection;destination- |
Comprehension of Texts, Inferences and Functional Modularity
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pag. 83 / 98 |
Gastón I. Saux - Universidad de Buenos Aires ( |
Keywords:-psycholinguistics;text;comprehension;inference;modularity- |
Prototypical-cognitive grammar: conceptualization and analysis of the nominal
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pag. 99 / 126 |
Claudia Borzi - CONICET, UBA (, |
Keywords:-prototypical-cognitive grammar;nominal;noun;adjective- |
Abstract: This work is aimed at initiating a discussion on a newperspective, namely the Prototypical-Cognitive Grammar, focused on its contributions
to Spanish grammar. To that end, this approach is applied to the analysis of the Nominal, reconsidering the definition of noun in order to emphasize the particular conception of meaning underpinned here. We describe the compositional path of the Nominal. In particular, two problems are considered: common vs. proper noun (in order to stress the momentwhen the nominal is grounded), and the position of the adjective. We claim that the contextofuse masters the ordering of nuclei along the compositional path.
Letter from an American General: The Vatican as subversive and the American McCarthyism
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pag. 127 / 134 |
Keywords:-vatican;hate;truth;McCarthyism;today- |
Guide of Ethical Commitment to pre-professional practices in Psychology
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pag. 135 / 151 |
Andrea Ferrero - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ( |
Keywords:-psychology;ethics;training;pre-professional practices;guide of ethical commitment- |