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2014 : 30
2014 : 29
2013 : 28
2013 : 27
2012 : 26
2012 : 25
2011 : 24
2011 : 23
2010 : 22
2010 : 21
2009 : 20
2009 : 19
2008 : 18
2008 : 17
The notions of 'sintagm' and 'syntax' in the Cours de linguistique générale by Ferdinand de Saussure
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pag. 9 / 25
Claudia Beatriz Borzi - CONICET, UBA (
Keywords:-Ferdinand de Saussure;Cours de Linguistique Générale;syntagm;syntax-

This work deals with the relation between Saussure’s proposal and syntax, a topic of interest for grammarians. This work attempts to answer the following questions: Does Saussure's grammar consider syntax as part of its object of study? Which is its place in the theory? When Saussure explicitly refers to syntax, which one is he mentioning, a positional one or a syntax close to logic? The author of this paper believes that the Cours de Linguistique Générale has the fundamental objective of laying the foundations of linguistics as science. Consequently, all the concepts are related to the criteria for delimitating the object of study and the method of identification and analysis of the elements. Therefore, this theory is not aimed at “describing” how the sign and language actually are but to construct an argumentation for individualizing a fixed, self-consistent, binary system. At first, a critical analysis of the notions that support the sintagm and syntax is put forward. Then, the definition, location and scope of sintagm as well as of the meanings that such term has in Saussure’s work are examined. Secondly, the contexts and meanings of syntax when Saussure explicitly refers to it as object of study and discipline are analyzed.

Linguistic variation in social exchanges
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pag. 27 / 41
Beatriz María Suriani - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-sociolinguistics;variation;text;context;social group-
Foreign languages in undergraduate programs of the Faculty of Human Sciences of Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
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pag. 43 / 69
María Estela López - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Ana María Tello - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Keywords:-curricular design;foreign languages;specific purposes;correlation;specific formation-
Hope as the pivot of teacher training: the theology of hope by Jürgen Moltmann
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pag. 71 / 84
Alvori Ahlert - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (
Keywords:-hope;theology of hope;teacher training;teachers’ crisis-
Socio-political interrelations of university administration: an analysis of its functioning framed within the implementation of a university policy
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pag. 85 / 110
Daniela Atairo - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (
Keywords:-university;assessing state;university policies;program-
Cultural practices, non-state actors and the State paradigm in the exercise of human rights
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pag. 111 / 144
Iliana Delgado Azar - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de (
Alberto Hernández Baqueiro - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de (
Keywords:-human rights;non-state actors;multiculturalism;cultural practices;ethics-
Ethics and professional practice: responsibility in terms of responsible prudence. The psychology case
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pag. 145 / 161
María José Sánchez Vazquez - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (
Self-knowledge groups as a resource for favoring personal development
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pag. 163 / 178
Elina Nora Muñoz de Visco - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Claribel Morales de Barbenza - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Keywords:-self-knowledge groups;optimal personal development;personality styles;self-esteem;hope / despair-
Generalized anxiety disorder: criteria for diagnosis
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pag. 179 / 194
Anna Rovella - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Manuel González Rodríguez - Universidad de La Laguna ()
Is it possible to assess babies’ intelligence? A preliminary study in contexts of poverty
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pag. 195 / 219
Silvina Valeria Caballero - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (
Norma Contini de González - Universidad Nacional de Tucumán ()
Keywords:-sensorymotor intelligence;context of poverty;maternal education-
Learning in old age and social imaginary
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pag. 221 / 233
Marisa Viviana Ruiz - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Ana Maria Scipioni - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Daniel Fernando Lentini - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Keywords:-old age;social imaginary;permanent education-
The climacteric period. Incidence of mother-daughter bond in this turbulent emotional experience
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pag. 235 / 252
Graciela Elena Flores - Universidad Nacional de San Luis (
Claudia Inés Campo - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Silvina Alejandra Marchisio - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
María Elena Yuli - Universidad Nacional de San Luis ()
Keywords:-symbolization;emotional experience;menopause;motherhood-
2007 : 16
2007 : 15
2006 : 13 14
2006 : 12
2005 : 11
2005 : 10
2004 : 9
2003 : 7 8
2002 : 5 6
2001 : 4
2001 : 3
2000 : 2
2000 : 1
FUNDAMENTOS EN HUMANIDADES, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Avenida Ejército de los Andes 950
5700 - San Luis - Argentina